September Tee Sheet Opens in…
Whether you’re an experienced golfer or brand new to the game – get that green bill of health and enjoy the benefits of a round at Minnippi!
Minnippi is an 18-hole golf course designed by renowned golf course architects Phil Ryan & Paul Greeves of Pacific Coast Design.
View course map here.
Pressed for time but still keen to sneak a few holes in? Grab 3 holes & a cart…
Whether you aspire to compete in tournaments or level-up the playing field against your mates, we have you covered!
With a golf handicap (powered by the Social Golf Club) you can set realistic goals, track your progress and see your game soar to new heights!
Unlocking your Official Golf Australia (GA) Handicap is super easy wit these two simple steps!
1. Join us today – http://membership.thesocialgolfclub/
Annual – $149 per year (or just $97 when you become a MiStar Rewards Member)
Direct Debit – $12.90 per month
2. Simply submit a total of 54 holes worth of scorecards to (3 rounds of 18, 6 rounds of 9, or a mixture of both). Once processed, your Official GA is good to go!
But seriously, how fun is driving a golf cart? Why not speed up your play giving you extra time in your day AND add a little extra pizzazz in a fully electric whip.
Our EVs have GPS tracking, provide excellent shade and are just generally a cool way to get round your round (you can even bluetooth your music to the speakers!).
*Note – privately owned carts & vehicles cannot be brought on-course*